Interfaith Panel: Love and Compassion in Education
Panelists: Prof. John Miller & Prof. Tom Reynolds
Moderator: Mr. Keith Brown
Dinner to Benefit the Shi Wu De Professorship and to celebrate Prof. Miller’s
new book Love and Compassion: Exploring their role in Education and
to celebrate the first Buddhist student graduating class at Emmanuel College, Victoria University in the University of Toronto
Sunday, April 8, 2018, Victoria College Building
John Miller is a professor with the Department of Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. He is author/editor of 20 books on holistic learning and contemplative practices in education, which include Whole Child Education, The Holistic Curriculum, The Contemplative Practitioner, Education and the Soul, and Holistic Education and Embodied Learning. Professor Miller has worked extensively with holistic educators in Japan, Korea and Hong Kong for the past 20 years and has been a visiting professor at universities in Japan and Hong Kong. In 2009 he was one of 24 educators invited to Bhutan to help that country develop their educational system so that it supports the country’s goal of Gross National Happiness.
Thomas E. Reynolds is vice principal and associate professor at Emmanuel College, at Victoria University in the University of Toronto. Committed to an interdisciplinary and relational vision of theology, his teaching and research address a range of topics related to constructive theology, theological method, intercultural and interreligious engagements, contextual theologies and globalization, philosophical theology, and disability studies. He is currently working on a book on the theology of care, which reflects on the need for building inclusive communities of belonging and hospitality with and for all, including people with disabilities and mental health challenges.
Panel moderated by Keith Brown, vice president of the Dharma Drum Mountain Buddhist Association (Ontario). He holds an MA from OISE, and is a student in the MPS Buddhist studies program at Emmanuel College and also a PhD candidate at OISE. His MA thesis focuses on the impact of the practice of loving-kindness meditation by teachers on education delivery.
Dinner Tickets: (Net proceeds to benefit the Shi Wu De Professorship in Chinese Buddhist Studies)
$80/person or $640/table of 8 (a charitable tax receipt will be issued for the maximum allowable amount) Emmanuel College students: $25/person
To purchase tickets (by April 2):
Emmanuel College Rm 005
T: 416 813 4096 Email:
To pay on-line to reserve tickets:
To download flyer: April 8 dinner flyer final
April 8_2018 Celebration Programme
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2017 / 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
♦ Presentations:
1. Western Psychotherapeutic Modalities & Their Similarities to Buddhism 2:00-2:40 pm
By: Dr. Ellen Katz, PhD, MSW, RSW
Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream, Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, U of T
2. Four Noble Truths & Buddhist Approaches to Suffering in Psychotherapy 2:40-3:20 pm
By: Dr. Albert Allen, MD, FRCP(C), Psychiatrist,
2016-17 Buddhist Education Foundation of Canada Fellow
in Buddhism & Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry, U of T
Break with Refreshments 3:20-3:40 pm
♦ Panel Discussion:
3. What Might a Buddhist Psychotherapy Look Like? 3:40-4:20 pm
Panelists: Dr. Ellen Katz & Dr. Albert Allen
Moderator: Dr. Tony Toneatto, PhD, FIPA, Clinical Psychologist & Psychoanalyst,
Director, Buddhism, Psychology & Mental Health Program, U of T
Dr. Albert Allen is a psychiatrist in clinical practice since 2013, currently working at Hong Fook Mental Health Association, The ADHD Clinic, and private practice. He completed his residency at the University of Toronto where he trained in various psychotherapy modalities including Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. He has been actively involved in Buddhist meditation with a mindfulness community since 2008 and received yoga teacher certification from Yoga Therapy Toronto in 2016. He completed a Clinical Fellowship in Buddhism and Psychiatry at the University of Toronto in 2017.
Dr. Ellen Katz is an Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream at the Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work (FIFSW). Dr. Katz comes to the FIFSW with over 20 years of clinical practice working with individuals, couples, families and groups in hospitals and children’s mental health settings, with a particular interest, and with advanced training, in family therapy. Her research and clinical interests focus on mindfulness, meditation, Buddhism, family therapy, simulation, and the development of competence in both students and clinicians. Dr. Katz has been a Senior Investigator with the Mind and Life Summer Research Institute, the Dalai Lama’s initiative to bring science and contemplative practice together in developing interventions to ease human suffering and increase knowledge of how mindfulness can be used in that process.
Dr. Tony Toneatto is the Director of the Buddhism, Psychology and Mental Health undergraduate program at the University of Toronto devoted to the study of Buddhist and Western psychology. He is also on the Faculty of the Masters of Pastoral Studies (Buddhism) Program at Emmanuel College. Dr. Toneatto is a registered Clinical Psychologist and a psychoanalyst. He spent 23 years at the Centre of Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto as a research scientist in addiction. Dr. Toneatto has published over 120 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters in the areas of substance addiction, pathological gambling, and mindfulness meditation.
♦ Q & A / Wrap Up / Evaluation: 4:20-5:00 pm
♦ Location:
Room 119, Emmanuel College, 75 Queen’s Park Crescent East
General Admission: $20 / U of T Students: Free (student ID required)
1:30 pm: Reception/Registration (light refreshments served)
♦ Registration: (Registration is now closed)
To Purchase General Admission Tickets: visit Eventbrite.
Inquiries: 416-910-4858 or Email:
♦ Learning Objectives:
After the discussion, participants will be able to:
a. compare and contrast mainstream Western models of psychotherapy with Buddhism;
b. adapt Western psychotherapeutic models to work with clients who are practicing Buddhists;
c. as a therapist practicing Buddhism, integrate Buddhism into clinical work with patients/clients who may, or may not, practice Buddhism.
Centre for Buddhism & Psychology, New College
Buddhist Education Foundation of Canada
Download flyer here: BuddhistPsychotherapy-Nov18FNL
Relating Buddhist Psychology (abhidhamma) to Daily Life
A talk by the Venerable Sister Susila
September 21, 2017 (Thursday), 6 pm Reception; 6:30 Pm Talk
75 Queen’s Park Crescent
Chapel (3/F)
Download poster: pdf_Abhidhamma poster talk 9_17
Recording of talk posted on YouTube
Buddhist-Christian Interfaith Dialogue Panel and
Book Launch for “A Thousand Hands: A Guide Book to Caring for Your Buddhist Community”
Download poster: interfaith-2017-with-logos_rm-119
Applied Buddhism Conference 2016
Download CONFERENCE poster: pdf_Conference poster
Download CONFERENCE postcard: 5×7 postcard-ABSI Conference
Download WORKSHOP poster: (3rd workshop on Oct. 16, 2016 – discount for early bird: 9/30/2016) E_ABSI-poster
Download 3rd WORKSHOP (Sustainable Compassion Training) workshop_ad
Download poster for CHINESE PANELS:
pdf_應用佛學學術論壇 northrop frye copy save
University of Toronto:
Victoria University in the University of Toronto
Emmanuel College
Department for the Study of Religion
Buddhist Contemplative Care Society
Buddhism, Psychology & Mental Health Undergraduate Program
Centre for Buddhism and Psychology New College
Emmanuel College Student Society
Buddhism and Psychology Student Union
Other Related Links:
Canadian Association for Spiritual Care
Buddhist Education Foundation of Canada
Information on Canadian Buddhist Chaplaincy
Meditation led by Dr. John Vervaeke
7:00 pm, Wednesday, Nov. 2, 2016
Emmanuel College 3rd floor chapel
Download poster here: pdf_meditiation-poster-2
Zen Practice and Infant Mental Health Talk
6:30 pm, Tuesday, Nov. 15, 2016
Emmanuel College 3rd floor chapel
Download poster here: pdf_zen-and-infant-mental-health
7:00 pm, Friday, April 8, 2016 Emmanuel College Chapel
Inter-faith Panel on MUSIC & SPIRITUALITY
Perspectives from the Buddhist, Christian and Hindu traditions.
Download poster here: pdf_MUSIC PANEL 2016