Friday October 14, 2016
12:30 pm Registration
1:30 pm Panel A:
Future Directions for the Integration of Buddhist Psychology and Psychotherapy
3:30 pm Panel B:
Buddhist Prison Chaplaincy in Canada
5:30 pm Dinner
7:00 pm Keynote Address
Applied Buddhism: Past & Present
Saturday October 15, 2016
10:15 am Panel C:
Buddhist Education: From Past to Present, East to West
11:45 am Lunch
1:00 pm Panel D:
End-of-life Care
3:00 pm Community Panel E:
Globalization of the Buddhist Sangha
~~Community Panel (Open to Public): Presentations in Chinese with simultaneous interpretation offered to conference registrants. (Please request for equipment at registration.)
4:45 pm Community Panel F:
Humanistic Buddhism from the perspectives of Temple Leadership
~~Community Panel (Open to Public): Presentations in Chinese with simultaneous interpretation offered to conference registrants. (Please request for equipment at registration.)
6:30 pm Dinner Reception (Fundraiser)
Sunday October 16, 2016 (all day)
Agenda (click to download)
Empowering those who Care for Others: Sustainable Compassion Training Workshop
Conducted by: Dr. John Makransky
Workshop details and Registration
This workshop is an accredited Continuing Professional Development event by
the University of Toronto’s Faculty of Medicine &
the College of Naturopaths of Ontario.