About the Applied Buddhist Studies Initiative

The Applied Buddhist Studies Initiative at Emmanuel College was launched in the fall of 2015, following the establishment of the Shi Wu De Professorship in Chinese Buddhist Studies at the College. Contemporaneously, a Master of Pastoral Studies: Buddhism program was established. It prepares students to qualify for certification with the Canadian Association for Spiritual Care.

The Applying Mindfulness and Buddhism in Providing Care Series of workshops are being offered in January and October 2016. These are Continuing Professional Development Workshops accredited by the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Toronto as well as by the College of Naturopaths of Ontario.

As part of this initiative, Emmanuel College is collaborating with the Department of Psychiatry of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Toronto on a new Buddhist Education Foundation of Canada Fellowship in Buddhism and Psychiatry, to be offered to a Psychiatrist who has just completed his/her residency training. We expect that the Fellowship in Buddhism and Psychiatry will be awarded in July 2016. The fellow will be co-supervised by a professor in the Department of Psychiatry and the Shi Wu De Professor in Chinese Buddhist Studies.

The inaugural conference on Applied Buddhism: Past and Present will take place on October 14-16, 2016. This conference will inquire into applied Buddhism in Asian countries where Buddhism has taken roots for many centuries and also in western countries where Buddhism is still new.

A non-degree Certificate Program in Community Buddhist Care is being planned. It is designed with Buddhist community members in mind, for the education of Buddhists to provide care to  Buddhists and people who request Buddhist care.
